If you're interested in the subject of disability and neurodiversity in publishing, why not take a peek at my post LOVE ON A VERY BIG SPECTRUM on the Romantic Novelists' Association blog, where I discuss nuanced representation in adult fiction and the dangers of stereotyping neurodivergent and disabled characters. (Just click on the capital letters above and the post will open in the RNA blog - I know not everyone is super techy, so I made it as easy as I could!)
Would love to hear your own thoughts.
Warmest wishes
Lottie xx
PS. Creating a website which is as accessible as possible is vital, but I'm working within the parameters of my own disability, so while this new site is evolving please bear with me. If you have any hints and tips, or features you would like to see, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I want you to be as open with me as I'll try to be with you.